Pavia, La Necchi: urban rebirth, 80% remediation and demolition completed!

Pavia, La Necchi: urban rebirth, 80% remediation and demolition completed!
Our commitment to the regeneration of the ex Necchi area is leading to concrete results marked by important milestones:
♻️ 98000tonn of demolition rubble discarded
💨 341tonn of asbestos discarded
⚠️ 152tonn asbestos-containing plasters discarded
🔥 42tonn asbestos insulation discarded
Sustainability is at the heart of the project, and DESPE S.p.A.'s remediation and demolition work is in fact generating new healthy and safe spaces that will house
🌿 New green areas totalling approximately 33000sqm
🚶 New public spaces with pedestrian squares
🚴 New internal cycle/pedestrian path in connection with the Naviglio Pavese cycle path and the new Ciclovia VenTo
♟️ New carfree disctrict to support soft mobility