Legal Information
Corporate Information
Supernova s.r.l
Registered address:
Viale della Stazione 5
39100 Bolzano, Italy
Fisc. and VAT Number:
Inclusion in the Register of Company:
REA code BZ 228417
Paid-up Share Capital:
20.000.000,00 €
Certified E-mail Address:
Legal Information
This Website is owned by Supernova s.r.l (hereby the "Company"). These terms of use apply to any user of the services of this Website. Through the Website, the Company provides services and information to the public. Please read carefully the terms of use before accessing it. The Company reserves the right to change and/or remove any aspect, including but not limited to content, timing, availability and technical means necessary to access and use one's services. Use of the Website confirms the will of the User to comply.
The Website contains registered and copyright-protected material, trademarks and other information, subject to proprietary rights, including text, photos, video, software, graphics, music, sounds and others. The Company owns the right to select, organise, coordinate and increase such content. The User cannot in any way take advantage of such content, neither partially nor fully, and can download copyright-registered material from the Internet for personal use only. Copying, distributing, transmission, publication by any means and/or commercial usage of copyright-protected material will not be permitted unless expressly authorised by the Company and the copyright owner. If such permission is granted, no modification or omission will be allowed regarding the name of the author and the notes stating the trademark and the owner of the original copyright. The User acknowledges that they do not acquire any ownership of copyright-protected material downloaded from the Website.
Access to the Website
Access to the Website is free of cost without need of previous authorization, subscription or registration. The Company is not responsible for the quality or speed of access to the Website, and the User cannot demand any compensation arising from any loss or damage in connection therewith. Moreover, the Company shall not be liable for any incorrect operations, damages, wear and tear, or deletion of data or software which may occur to the User's equipment as a direct or indirect consequence of accessing or intending to access the Website.
User Conduct
The User can use the Website only for legally ammissible purpose.
Registered Trademarks
Supernova is a logo of Supernova s.r.l. All rights reserved. All trademarks and logos on the Website belong to their respective owner. The Company authorises reproducing information and images on its Website only for individual use. The User, on their part, agrees not to modify or tamper with the original content, to use the images only accompanied by the original text. Such material cannot be used for any public or commercial purpose without explicit written authorisation from the Company.