Welfare & People Care

People Care & Wilding: at a self-defence school from City Angels Italy!

Yesterday, as part of the company's Welfare & People Care programme, the Supernova team took part in a self-defence lesson held by the City Angels, a voluntary association that helps people in need and brings safety to the streets of 20 Italian and 2 Swiss cities.

👨🏫 The lesson was based on the Wilding method, a ‘street’ practice devised by Mario Furlan, founder of the City Angels and our teacher for the occasion. It is a self-defence method that relies on the 2Ps: psychology and prevention.

✨ This experience has been an added value for the people of Supernova, empowering them in their everyday lives.

🙏 Thanks to Mario Furlan and the City Angels for hosting us!

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